About Intrix

Will Davis

Founder | Director of Digital

Will is an ever-evolving digital marketing entrepreneur with 15 years of experience navigating the kaleidoscope of all things digital media and marketing.  He founded Intrix Media, LLC, to help business’ both small and large to develop and implement strategies for growth in a dynamic online marketplace. 
Will is a Certified Partner in numerous Google’s products and has been invited to the Google campus on multiple occasions. He is also accredited by Facebook, Yahoo, and Bing.
With a driving zeal for both digital and the customer journey, Will is continually searching for new ways to offer clients the best possible experience.  In doing so, Will has been a trusted partner with an array of different organizations, from start-ups to large corporations and nonprofits.


Our mission at Intrix Media is to create a customized menu of digital products and services that allow you to stay at the forefront of technological innovation and leverage the development, marketing, and management of your business. By identifying the core needs of your company’s digital blueprint, we’re able to effectively streamline online processes, increase market influence, and connect you with more customers and repeat business.

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