Social Media Management (SMM)

The Role of Social Media

Social media can be an incredibly effective vehicle for brand visibility and over the past 5-10 years has proven itself to be a top-of-funnel sales mechanism.

Increasing brand awareness and gaining influence on social media platforms requires consistent output of entertaining, amusing, or informative content customers can engage with and share.

People scrolling through social media may or may not be actively looking to shop or make purchases. By promoting brand awareness, people become familiar and are more likely to convert later.

Providing interesting, amusing, or informative content is the trick to get engagement between you, your audience, and their network. In this way, social media becomes a powerful lead generation tool.

Current Social Media Usage


Of Millenials


Of GenXers


Of Baby Boomers

Over 2 billion people log into Facebook every day!

The average person spends between 2 and 3 hours every day on social media.

54% of people who are on social media use it to research products.

71% of consumers who have had a positive experience with a brand on social media are likely to recommend that brand to friends and family.

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